"wayback machine" : l'archivage automatique d'un site web

Afficher les dates d'archivage d'un site web : http://web.archive.org/web/*/"website.<extension>"


FAQ sur "wayback machine" : https://archive.org/about/faqs.php#The_Wayback_Machine

  • l'archivage ne concerne que les pages accessibles en mode "visiteur" (accès "public", avant connexion/ authentification)
  • Can I add pages to the Wayback Machine?

    On https://archive.org/web you can use the "Save Page Now" feature to save a specific page one time. This does not currently add the URL to any future crawls nor does it save more than that one page. It does not save multiple pages, directories or entire sites.

  • How do I contact the Internet Archive?

    All questions about the Wayback Machine, or other Internet Archive projects, should be addressed to [email protected].

  • Where is the rest of the archived site? Why am I getting broken or gray images on a site?

    Broken images occur when the images are not available on our servers. Usually this means that we did not archive them.

    You can tell if the image or link you are looking for is in the Wayback Machine by entering the image or link’s URL into the Wayback Machine search box. Whatever archives we have are viewable in the Wayback Machine.

    The best way to see all the files we have archived of the site is: http://web.archive.org/*/www.yoursite.com/*

    There is a 3-10 hour lag time between the time a site is crawled and when it appears in the Wayback Machine.

  • What is Archive-It?

    Archive-It is a subscription service that allows institutions to build and preserve collections of born digital content. Through the user-friendly web application, Archive-It partners can harvest, catalog, manage, and browse their archived collections. Collections are hosted at the Internet Archive data center and are accessible to the public with full-text search.

    Why would I subscribe to Archive-It instead of using the Wayback machine at Internet Archive?

    Partners to this service can create distinct Web archives called "collections", containing only the born digital content they are interested in harvesting, at whatever frequency suits their needs. All collections are full-text searchable. The collections created with Archive-It can be cataloged with metadata and managed directly by the partner. The Archive-It service maintains a minimum of two copies of each collection online, a primary and a back-up copy.

    How frequently can I archive Web sites?

    Archive-It is very flexible: you can harvest material from the Web using ten different frequencies, from daily to annually. Partners can select different crawl frequencies for each chosen URL. Additionally, your institution can also chose to start a crawl "on demand" in the case of an unforeseen spontaneous or historic event.

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(modifié : 26/6/2016)